Leaf Supports - Tall
Leaf Supports - Tall
Leaf Supports - Tall
Leaf Supports - Tall
Leaf Supports - Tall
Leaf Supports - Tall
Leaf Supports - Tall
Leaf Supports - Tall
Leaf Supports - Tall

Leaf Supports - Tall

Regular price £18.00 Unit price per

EARLY BIRD discount: £££ OFF when you order double/triple.

For the EARLY BIRD discounts choose your height below...

Short Leaf Support 55cm tall - Early bird discounts
Medium Leaf Support 65cm tall - Early bird discounts
Tall Leaf Support 88cm tall - Early bird discounts

The new 'Leaf' plant supports have been designed in collaboration with RHS Wisley, these new supports are great for use in both pots and the border. You can read the potted history of the RHS leaf project and see Wisley photo shoot here.

The leaf supports are produced as single units, a single leaf, which we bundle in packs of 3 or 4 leaves, depending on which group arrangement aesthetic you prefer (see pictures).

The Leaf supports can be assembled in the ground, or in a pot, to create a simple and flexible solution for supporting the stems and foliage of floppy plants.

The leaf support is designed to be used as a modular system. With three height sizes and two pack sizes, you can create endless options for leaf forms, groups and arrangements, let your imagination decide how best to support your plants.

Growing climbers up and around the Leaf supports is like creating speedy topiary. My current favourite Leaf climber is Sollya the Bluebell Creeper. Try also the patio Clematis and the fabulous, scented Honeysuckle ‘Japonica Aureoreticulata’, with its pretty yellow veined leaves and white fragrant flowers in Summer. 

In the borders, try arranging three groups of three Leaf supports together, to support a large swathe of herbaceous perennials. The Leaves also do a great job of supporting tall wayward grasses, like Calamagrostis and my favoured Melica altissima 'Atropurpurea'


NOTES: As per our Plant Tunnels, the Leaf supports will arrive silver in colour (just-made) and will transform to the lovely rust finish in situ, with the help of mother nature. 

NOTES: In compacted ground the Leaves need only push in to about 5cm-7cm, in loosely prepared soil, compact down best you can before installing the supports. They may need to go in deeper to get more stability. Alternatively you can tie the Leaf legs together if you require more stability.

SHIPPING NOTES: We can send 4 bundles of Leaves for our standard £9.95 parcel charge. The Leaf supports will also fit in parcels with Belles. We will also be able to pack the Leaves with other smaller items. They can not travel with our 'Long' or 'Flat' parcels (Hurdles, large Hoops, Bean Poles, etc.). If you have questions, or wish to add Leaf Supports to an XL parcel, email the request. See 'Delivery info' for our current delivery prices & details.

As seen in the gardens at RHS Wisley. See our RHS blog for details.

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